Are you in doubt if you have the right and how to get Italian Citizenship or Portuguese Nationality? Do you want to know which is the most suitable Residence Visa for your case?

Italian Citizenship  Portuguese Nationatily  Spanish Nationatily

"We work with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Administrativa (when the applicant goes to Italy) and also with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Judicial directly in the Court of Rome by Via Materna and Via Paterna (against the consular ranks)." Italy is one of
Are you in doubt if you have the right and how to get Italian Citizenship or Portuguese Nationality? Do you want to know which is the most suitable Residence Visa for your case? Are you thinking of moving to one of these countries? Schedule an online service and
Italian Citizenship

“We work with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Administrativa (when the applicant goes to Italy) and also with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Judicial directly in the Court of Rome by Via Materna and Via Paterna (against the consular ranks).”

Portuguese Citizen

Child of a Portuguese citizen (father, mother or both) who was born in Portugal or obtained Portuguese nationality by Attribution for also being the child of a Portuguese citizen.

Spanish Citizen

Our Consultants are specialized in obtaining your Spanish Citizenship. We work in all visa services and legalization of your residence.


Advice and Consultancy

We find in Italy or Portugal the Baptism or Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates of your Italian or Portuguese Ancestor, as such documents are essential to prove the Right to Recognition of Italian Citizenship or Portuguese Nationality.

Residence Visa

Are you in doubt if you have the right and how to get Italian Citizenship or Portuguese Nationality? Do you want to know which is the most suitable Residence Visa for your case?


The sworn translation is a version in Portuguese with public faith, that is, it officially reflects the content described in another language, it is as if the sworn translation were an authentication in the notary’s office of a given text, giving knowledge to the competent authorities of the country.

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