Italian citizenship?

Italian citizenship?

“We work with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Administrativa (when the applicant goes to Italy) and also with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Judicial directly in the Court of Rome by Via Materna and Via Paterna (against the consular ranks).”

Italy is one of the countries that recognize citizenship by the concept of jus sanguinis, that is, the right to blood, this means that Brazilians of Italian descent can apply for dual citizenship regardless of whether they are children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren or even great-grandchildren of Italians.

Anyone who can prove to be descended from an Italian ancestor is entitled to request recognition of Italian Citizenship, there is no generation limit .

“We work with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Administrativa (when the applicant goes to Italy) and also with the recognition of Italian Citizenship Via Judicial directly in the Court of Rome by Via Materna and Via Paterna (against the consular ranks).”

Italy is one of the countries that recognize citizenship by the concept of jus sanguinis, that is, the right to blood, this means that Brazilians of Italian descent can apply for dual citizenship regardless of whether they are children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren or even great-grandchildren of Italians.

Anyone who can prove to be descended from an Italian ancestor is entitled to request recognition of Italian Citizenship, there is no generation limit ..

Brazilian naturalization of Italian

The Brazilian naturalization of the Italian ascendant is a problem for the process when the father became Brazilian before the birth of the child.

Example 1 – Child was born after naturalization

Example 2 – Child was born before naturalization

Brazilian naturalization began mainly in 1938 and intensified in 1942. In this way, the descendants of Italian children born at the beginning of the 20th century (1900) do not need to worry so much.

Proof of non-naturalization in Brazil is made by issuing an online certificate on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Brazil .

Children of women born before 1948

Initially let’s present an example for better understanding:

Giovanni (Italian)
Maria (daughter of Italian)
Pedro (son born in 1946)
Miguel (applicant for Italian citizenship)

The problem is not with Mrs. Maria, but with her son Pedro, who was born before 1948. Therefore, Messrs Pedro and Miguel are not entitled to the recognition of Italian citizenship by administrative means.

Want to know more? Contact us now and clear all your doubts about Italian Citizenship Via Judicial through Whatsapp: (11) 94756-1111

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