Portuguese nationality ?

Portuguese nationality ?

Son of Portuguese

Child of a Portuguese citizen (father, mother or both) who was born in Portugal or obtained Portuguese nationality by Attribution for also being the child of a Portuguese citizen.

Grandson of Portuguese

Grandson (a) of Portuguese also have the right to acquire Portuguese nationality, but each case has a different procedure.

If your parents have already died: If you are a Portuguese grandson and your parents died without acquiring nationality by Attribution – you have the right to obtain nationality by Original Attribution, that is, your case will be analyzed by the Minister of Justice, and may be rejected if there is no proof of link with Portugal.

If your parents are alive: If you are a Portuguese Grandson and your parents are alive — you are entitled to acquire Portuguese Nationality by Attribution, but first the Son(s) of Portuguese (your father or mother) must acquire Nationality Portuguese by Attribution so that you can later apply and obtain your Nationality by Attribution as a Child of Portuguese.

Great-grandchild of Portuguese

According to the new law, the great-grandchildren of Portuguese people are entitled to Portuguese nationality. The options for applying for nationality depend on the documents that attest to your descent and who is still alive in the family.

It is simpler if your Portuguese ascendants are alive, it is necessary that they (grandfather or grandmother, father or mother) acquire Portuguese nationality first and then pass it on as a son to the current Portuguese great-grandson.

Acquisition by Marriage or Stable Union

Spouse of a Portuguese citizen  (born in Portugal or with nationality acquired exclusively according to topic 1 above), whose marriage took place before  October 3, 1981  (only applies to women);

Married for more than three years  to a Portuguese citizen (born in Portugal or with nationality acquired exclusively according to topic 1 above); *Need to prove link with Portugal.

Has lived in  a stable union for more than five years,  with a Portuguese citizen (born in Portugal or with nationality acquired exclusively according to topic 1 above). *Need to prove link with Portugal.

*To file this process, it is necessary that the Stable Union be recognized by a Brazilian court decision and, subsequently, be reviewed and confirmed by the competent Portuguese court. To carry out such review/confirmation, the applicant must hire a lawyer directly in Portugal (or with representation in Portugal).

With Portuguese nationality, it is possible not only to move, study, work or reside legally in Portugal, but also in any country in the European Union, opening up a range of new opportunities for the life of your beneficiary and their families. According to official data, applications for Portuguese nationality have increased by 50% in the last two years, with Brazilians in the lead among those interested in obtaining them.


Are you in doubt about whether you have the right and how to obtain Portuguese Nationality, want to know what is the most suitable visa for your case, or are you thinking of moving to Portugal? Schedule an Online Service (service to anywhere in the world) and receive a qualified consultancy with specialists with extensive experience in Processes involving Nationality and Portuguese Visa.

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